Camp Rooster

Discover the perfect camps hassle-free at CampRooster. We’ve gathered thousands of day and overnight options in one place, saving you from endless searches. Our user-friendly platform lets you easily filter camps by age, interest, date, price, and location. Save favorites, explore with an interactive map, and simplify your camp discovery. Currently strong in the Southeastern US, we’re expanding to more metro areas in 2019 for diverse options at your fingertips. Your ultimate camp destination awaits.

Technology Used

Project Overview
CampRooster acts as a comprehensive solution for parents seeking the best camps for their kids. Our platform combines all of the important camp information into one easily accessible spot, eliminating the need to traverse many distinct camp websites.
We mostly serve the Southeastern US with hundreds of day and overnight camp alternatives, and we have ambitions to expand into more metro regions in 2019. With our sorting options based on age, interest, date, price, and location, as well as an interactive map for a better user experience, camps are simple to find.

Key Features
- Centralized Camp Information
- Favorites List
- Sorting Options
- Interactive Map
- Expansive Camp Options